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You CAN write more effective sales letters, emails, landing pages, and more at least 97.3% faster – Guaranteed.
To write fast, clean, effective copy you have to first convince yourself that such a thing IS possible.
Lesson 1 - Proof That You CAN Write Faster
Discover that you CAN you can write faster and even prove it to yourself!
Lesson 2 - Things That Slow You Down
How to overcome the ideas and forces that work against you writing as fast as you should.
Episode 3 - Stop Thinking Like a Writer
Here's the RIGHT way to think about your role in creating powerful, effective sales copy.
Your key to writing 2, 3, even 10 times FASTER.
Lesson 1 - Knowing Your WHO
This is all about knowing your "Slam Dunk Customer" - the person you want most to help with your products and services.
Lesson 2 - Defining WHAT You'll Offer
Nail down with precision exactly WHAT it is you're going to offer and provide to your prospects.
Episode 3 - HOW to Write 2, 3, even 10X Faster
We're going to talk about your HOW tools - the specific tools you will use that will enable you to write faster.
Quickly assemble your copy and get it D-O-N-E!
Lesson 1 - Pulling the Pieces Together
You've done the legwork to understand your customer and your offer, now it's time to pull everything together and start writing.
Lesson 2 - 15 Steps to DONE
Discover a system-based, 15-step template and blueprint for cranking out your copy really fast and getting it DONE.
Episode 3 - In Case You Get Stuck
Should you ever find yourself stuck staring at a blank screen, here are several systems to kickstart the writing process.
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contact: jack@writekillercopyfast.com