Do You Struggle Getting Sales Copy DONE and OUT the Door Where It Can Change Lives and MAKE YOU MONEY?  

"At Last There's an Easy-To-Use Toolkit That Makes Writing Powerful Sales Copy Simple, Fool-Proof, and FUN - Guaranteed!"

Imagine NEVER Having to Face the Terror of a Blank Page or Screen Again...
Here's How YOU Can Create KILLER Sales Materials at Least 97.3% 
FASTER, So Your Copy Can STOP Gathering Dust and START Making Sales.

Dear Friend,

Does this sound familiar?

You need to get a sales letter out... maybe it's an actual letter, possibly some web copy, maybe just a postcard...

So you sit down, fire up the computer, open up Microsoft Word...

And you just STARE at the screen. What do you do first? Then the thoughts start rolling in -

  • What if I get this wrong?
  • What do I write first?
  • I need a headline... how do I come up with one?
  • I have some testimonials, where do they go?
  • How do I make clear what my program / product / service offers?

Everything whirls around and around and you wind up getting so frustrated you walk away.

Has that ever happened to you?

If so, it's okay. I understand. It's a common problem.

Far too many suffer from what's known as "Writers Block"... defined by the inability to create killer sales copy at the drop of hat... indeed, many have been seen running screaming in fear rather than face the terror of the blank computer screen.

It's ugly. It's all-too-common. And it doesn't have to be that way.

Because I'm here to tell you today there's finally an EASY solution to this painful problem. A solution that I've spent literally years in the development and crafting - to make certain it's 100% fast, effective, and FUN!

I call it:

"The Ultimate Write Killer Copy Fast Toolkit"
Designed From Ground Zero To Help You Write FASTER and BETTER!

There's no need to spend hours, weeks, months to write copy - with the right toolset anyone can create SUPERB copy incredibly fast!  

Think about it - wouldn't you rather have something DONE and Ready-to-Roll really quickly instead of something you labor over for seemingly forever?!

There's no substitute for DONE when it comes to marketing and that's exactly what this toolkit is designed to deliver - it helps you get your letters DONE A-S-A-P!

In fact, this toolkit gives you everything you need to quickly and easily generate effective sales copy for your business... even if you can barely type!

This system is based on the collected wisdom, samples, tricks, tips, and tools I've gathered over a writing (and performing) career that has stretched over 30+ years.

And I'm the perfect guy to create this system... why?

Because I'm the hidden “man behind the curtain” for NO BS Inner Circle (founded by Dan Kennedy) and many other prominent marketing experts in Dentistry, Finance, and Small Business. 

I've written copy that has generated millions of dollars in sales for corporations like Microsoft and Kodak, as well as small businesses including Dentists, Attorneys, Physicians, even Magicians… webinars, TV commercials, sales letters, email, product launches, websites, info-products, and much more.

So I know a thing or two about writing copy that sells.  

Now First, Here's What This System is NOT...  

  • It's not a dull LECTURE on how to write copy. Oh, I'm including some great resources that will teach you about copywriting, but the system itself is engineered to get your copy done FAST. 

  • It's not endless hours of video you have to endure. Nope. Instead it's a lean, mean copy-generation machine... stripped down to the bare bones of EXACTLY what you need to crank out prose.  The actual video training takes approximately 3 hours, with EVERY minute packed with "gotta have it" information and tools.

  • Finally - IT'S NOT BOR-ING... who needs yet another painfully dull info-dump that puts you to sleep before delivering real-rubber-meets-road strategies, tools, and systems? Not I - Not You - Not Nobody. That's why I packed this chock full of eye-catching and FUN graphics to make discovery a roller-coasting joyride to copywriting success.


The Effective, Fast, and FUN Training is designed to provide exactly what you need to do to produce killer sales letters, emails, postcards, landing pages, and much much more.   

Training Module 1: 

Writing Faster boils down to believing it’s possible and this will prove once and for all that you can do this!

  • Lesson 1:  Proof That You CAN Write Faster and Better - In a manner of minutes, I guarantee you will be amazed when you discover how fast you can write and how good it will be.  

  • Lesson 2: Things That Slow You Down - How to overcome the obstacles, real and imaginary, that slow you down and cost you money. 

  • Lesson 3: Stop Thinking Like a "Writer" - Professional-level secrets to getting effective copy done and out the door, changing writing from an Art into a Science.

Training Module 2: 

Plug and play formulas make writing easier… you'll never be stuck facing down a blank page or empty screen ever again.

  • Lesson 1:  Knowing Your WHO - Keys to developing a deep understanding of your perfect, ideal customer so you can craft the ideal message just for them. 

  • Lesson 2: Defining WHAT You'll Offer - Secrets to producing a KILLER offer that your slam dunk customer simply can't resist. 

  • Lesson 3: How to Write 2, 3, Even 10X Faster - Why the effective use of tools can ramp up your productivity exponentially and the fastest way to make it happen for you.

Training Module 3: 

With this system, nothing will stop you from quickly assembling your copy and getting it D-O-N-E!

  • Lesson 1:  Pulling the Pieces Together - A reliable and easy 7-Step System to Writing copy F-A-S-T... so you can get it out the door where it can do its job and make sales. 

  • Lesson 2:  15 Steps to DONE - A comprehensive step-by-step blueprint to make your sales letters, websites, etc. simpler to produce AND more effective.

  • Lesson 3: In Case You Get Stuck - How to overcome that blank page when NOTHING seems to go right and you just need a nudge to get that killer letter across the finish line.

(Total Value of Training (Video, Audio, Enhanced Transcription) = $997)

"When you hear Dan Kennedy say, 'Jack Turk is the top of the top among all Copywriters' and then serendipitously, you have the opportunity to invest in a Copywriting Course created by Jack Turk, I couldn't get to my credit card fast enough. Outside of the home that I live in, Jack's course is my Top Investment to date." - Martin J. Fischer, Las Vegas, NV

And We're Just Getting Started... When You Act Now, You'll Get These High-Impact Bonuses:

 BONUS #1 - Your "Killer Copy Cookbook"

Custom Who-What-How Templates, Formulas, and Examples that make engineering your copy a breeze.   

  • How to Read Your Customer's Mind - not just a few ideas, a complete questionnaire that digs deep into the recesses of what makes them tick.
  • Creating a Killer Offer - the key elements of what will produce an irresistible offer your prospects "can't refuse!" 
  • Keys to Writing Compelling Headlines - the headline is the most important part of your letter and I get down and dirty in giving you the info and tools you need to finally jam on these like a pro. Plus I include  42 headline snippets that'll work as awesome templates; and then 105 proven headlines you can model and use for your business. 
  • A Boatload of Power Words and Phrases - 239 of them to be exact - that you'll use to sprinkle your copy with emotion and power that'll keep your prospect reading from page one all the way to the finish line. 
  • 40 Bullet Point Formulas - A gold mine of templates you can use to create bullet points that get across the true value of your program's features and benefits.
  • 41 easy to model introductions and opening lines.  These will help you kick off your letters in a truly professional and compelling way.
  • 30 different transitional phrases - so you can connect one section with the other.
  • 5 Keys to producing a POWERFUL PS that cements the deal.
  • The rules for creating "Can't Miss"  Guarantees - you do guarantee your products and services, right? Well, these simple rules PLUS examples will help you make that clear as day AND set you apart from sketchy competitors who can't meet that standard.
  • 6 Proven sales letter formulas that you can use to structure your sales copy - making it easy to outline and compose. 

Again... this is structured NOT like a reference - even though that's a huge value that it offers... Instead, it's organized start-to-finish in the exact STEP-by-STEP sequence you'll use to create KILLER sales letters and copy!  

So it's actually NOT a manual, it's a "Copy Creation MACHINE!"

Everything is organized / structured in a precise way to make writing copy SIMPLE, FAST and EASY over and over again!

(Total Value of Killer Copy Cookbook = $497)

BONUS #2 - Your "Killer Copy Checklist"

 Killer Copy Checklist... this will make sure that what you write hits ALL the key points necessary to close the deal and make the sale.   

Based on my own years of experience - and not all of it pleasant - this handy tool will be something you rely on and use over and again before sending out any piece of copy.

Consider it your "INSURANCE POLICY" against sending out high profile marketing mistakes and misfires you really can't afford to have happen.

Just following ONE of these simple tips could save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.  

VALUE = $49

BONUS #3 - Your "Killer Copy Swipe File"

Every professional copywriter has a Swipe File packed with proven examples from campaigns - Sales Letters, Emails, Postcards, and more - this is the vital deep well resource from which you can draw ideas and inspiration.  

I use mine incessantly, going back over and again to come up with new ideas for headlines, bullet points, openings, PSs, and so on.  Sometimes even a single word sparks a brand new direction for a piece I'm wrestling with. 

So you ABSOLUTELY need a swipe file...

And that's why I'm giving you a head start with one taken from my own successful campaigns in multiple markets.  This includes the $355,000 postcard, complete email sequences, sales letters, and more. You'll be ready to rock and roll with this as your starter kit. 

VALUE = $197

BONUS #4 - "77 Killer Copy Hacks and Strategies"

As Dan Kennedy likes to say, "small hinges swing big doors."

His point was that sometimes the tiniest tweak to a headline, a call to action, or an offer can pay off HUGE.  

That's why I've made a practice of tracking Dan's and other thought leader "writer downers" to have close at hand with every copy project. 

The 77 tips and idea starters you’ll discover inside this resource will open your eyes to strategies and tactics you may never have considered for your business - I guarantee they will help you write faster and more effectively.  

VALUE = $49

BONUS #5 - "How To Get Maximum Value From a Freelance Writer"

I get it - when you run a business, there's going to be times when you need to get a zillion things done all at the same time.  

So it's entirely possible you'll find yourself looking for help with specific salesletter, email campaign, product launch, whatever. 

When that happens and you do find yourself needing more copy than you can create, this resource reveals exactly how to make sure you're properly prepared to get maximum value from that writer AND that you hire out only the best.   

The amount this can save you in time and trouble is immeasurable. 

VALUE = $29

BONUS #6 - "10 Ways To Create URGENCY In Your Copy"

As the old saying goes, "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

One of the most challenging aspects associated with making sales using copy - turning the PROSPECT into a CUSTOMER by getting them to actually take advantage of the incredible offer you're making.  One of the best ways to add OOMPH to your offer is by applying the concept of URGENCY and giving them a strong reason to buy NOW.

In this report, you'll discover 10 different ways to add urgency to your copy with simple, yet proven tweaks to your offer.  Best of all, they can be blended together, to make your offer one they simply can't refuse.

The Godfather would be proud. 

VALUE = $29

BONUS #7 - "21+ Types of Offers To Use In Your Copy"

Finally, speaking of offers...

Dan Kennedy says one of the most critical skills you can develop as a Marketer is to master the creation of powerful offers by combining different elements together to make them impossible to ignore or resist.  

That's why I'm tossing into this mix a carefully researched synopsis of over 21 different levers you can use either on their own or in combination to make your offers more compelling. 

At a minimum, you need to know these options exist when crafting a payment plan, bonuses, or anything else to "sweeten" the deal. 

VALUE = $29



Your product is awesome!

Seth Greene

Market Domination, LLC
Williamsville, NY

"Extraordinary and Fun"

I'm super impressed.  It's one of the most fun, well done, professional and engaging online programs I've ever seen.

Scott J. Manning, MBA

Dental Success Today
Nashville, TN

"Jack You Rock!"

My Go-To resource every time I write copy. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, expertise and passion for business and marketing. 

Bruce Hudson  

Hudson Portrait Design, 
Tukwila, WA  

"I USE this all the time."

Like with everything he does, it's simple, it's quick, and it is FAST - Jack is my Hero!  

"Armadillo" Andy Collins  

Armadillo Racing,
Bremerton, WA  

This Toolkit May NOT Be For You...

The "Ultimate Write Killer Copy Fast Toolkit" isn't for everyone - it's NOT for you if:

  • You're totally invested in BRAND and IMAGE Marketing - instead of relying on snazzy logos and "goodyear blimp" promotions, the copy you'll write based on the tools provided in this kit communicates directly one-on-one with your prospect. Just as if you were sitting down across from them having a heart-to-hear, face-to-face conversation on matters of dire importance. 
  • You don't have at least a smattering of knowledge and awareness about Direct Response, "Magnetic Marketing" as taught by copywriting legend Dan Kennedy and many others.  That's because the kind of writing this kit enables focuses 100% on producing measurable RESULTS you can put in the bank.
  • You plan to let this gather dust and NOT invest the time and energy to use it to grow your business. This isn't a magic feather you put under your pillow in the hopes it will change your life... it's FUN and EFFECTIVE, however, you do indeed have to put in some effort.  
  • Investing in this program will take food off your table or cause you hardship - I acknowledge, this is NOT cheap... it's packed with value.  So if you really can't afford this, focus on fixing that first before taking the step to invest in your future with this toolkit. 

On the OTHER HAND...

  • IF the prospect of facing another BLANK Page or Screen TERRIFIES you and you NEVER want to experience that gut-wrenching feeling again...
  • IF you've ever sat down to write sales copy and found it a painful, ongoing struggle to squeeze even a few words out... and you're never sure that what you write has any value whatsover...
  • IF you see the immense VALUE of having solid, effective, directly response sales copy working for your business - generating leads, producing sales - but you just don't have a handle on exactly what to do first...
  • IF you value the power of gaining that "slight edge" in writing copy faster than ever before, knowing that shaving even just a few hours here or there off projects can add up to huge differences in results and revenues...   
  • IF you want to get your sales copy DONE and OUT the door, where it can finally change lives and Make You Money.

Then The "Ultimate Write Killer Copy Fast Toolkit" IS DEFINITELY For YOU.

AND - When You Act NOW, I'll Toss In Two More KILLER Fast Action Bonuses....


Now this entire program is online and ready to roll from the comfort of your easy chair.

But because I've heard multiple times from existing owners that the first thing they did was start printing out key resources, I've decided to save you the time, trouble, and expense of all that.

I've taken three of the key components - the Killer Copy Cookbook, the Killer Copy Checklist, and the Killer Copy Swipe file and had them professionally printed and wire-bound for EASE of USE.

You'll have all three at hand whenever you need them. 

And I'll be honest, I keep one of these babies on my desk for all my projects - so I know how valuable it can be when you need to get something done and out and NOW.  

VALUE = $397

PLUS - I'll even Toss in FREE SHIPPING to your Address - you won't have to pay a PENNY!

KILLER FAST ACTION BONUS #2  - "Killer Copy Unleashed" LIVE Monthly Bonus Training Sessions

Killer Copy Unleashed -  during these THREE (3) Bonus Training Sessions, taking place monthly, you'll discover advanced topics on engineering effective sales copy FAST - including:

  • Secrets to crafting and managing Killer Campaigns
  • The magical power of Storytelling 
  • How to integrate Game Design into your marketing
  • And much more. 

Each session will include live Q&A and will be recorded and transcribed. 

Value of each is at least $197, so the total value = $594.

 HUGE! VALUE = $594

KILLER FAST ACTION BONUS #3  - "Killer Campaign Review"  Where I PERSONALLY Review Your Direct Response Campaign!

I am EXTREMELY busy, however, I am so ALL-IN on making sure you get the results you deserve from this toolkit that I will work with you personally to help you with your marketing strategy and copy. 

Choose up to 3 pieces of any direct response marketing campaign - for example, a sales letter, email, and landing page - and I will professionally go over them with you and provide you detailed feedback during a live 1-1 ZOOM call with me.  The call will be recorded and I'll even provide you with a written transcript of that recording, along with my own notes and suggestions for you to use moving forward. 

Having my input as a "Killer Copy Coach" can help you get that campaign out into the market where it can be at its very best.  

These are extremely limited and I can't promise this will last for long. 

HUGE! VALUE = $1997

So Now It's Up To You...

  •  You can keep plugging away at producing copy the same way you always have... wrestling with each word, each sentence, each paragraph in the hopes it will deliver the results you want at some point when do finally manage to get it done.


  • You can start writing faster, better, more effective copy - get those emails, sales letters, postcards, webpages, and product launches DONE and out the door where they can make a difference in the lives of your customers - and in yours.

Based on all this, I suggest you click the button below to reserve your copy of the Ultimate Write Killer Copy Fast Toolkit now while you can.

Write FASTER. Write BETTER. Right NOW.

Jack Turk
"World's Fastest Copywriter"

P.S., And when you experience this system...

You will have at your side at all times a complete toolkit designed from the ground up to help you get writing done FAST! 

Not a long-winded “how to write copy” book of theory, but an “at your fingertips” resource you can use at any time.

Your copy will be based on proven headlines, templates, and power words that enable you to convey precisely a sales message your prospects won't be able to resist.

You won’t worry over the terror of a blank page ever again – you’ll be able to crank out copy quickly and easily – that you KNOW will get you the results and the sales you deserve.

P.P.S., You have NO RISK - because you'll have a full 60 Days to Check it out. If you’re not 100% convinced this was worth at least double your investment, send it back and I’ll refund every plug nickel - no questions asked.

Don't delay - this system will save you time and money.  Order now!

"Great Course. Very useful and good value - thank you." - Andrew Pancholi, Surrey, UK

You Can Get The Ultimate Write Killer Copy Fast Toolkit...

For Just $997!

No matter your current skill level, you CAN write more effective sales letters, emails, landing pages, and more at least 97.3% faster – guaranteed. 

Easy, effective templates make writing a snap.
Unleash the powerful copywriter already inside your head.
A simple system that gets copy DONE and out the door where it can start making you money.
Never fear staring at a blank page ever again.
Write Faster. Write Better. Right Now.


Act NOW to get the following Bundle with CORE TRAINING plus FAST-ACTION Bonuses Worth $7204!

Killer Copy Training  (Value $997)
Killer Copy Cookbook (Value $497)
Ultimate Killer Copy Swipe File (Value $197)
Step-by-Step Killer Copy Checklist  (Value $97)
"How To Get Maximum Value From a Freelance Writer" (Value $97) 
77 Easy Hacks to Ramp Up Your Writing  (Value 197)
10 Ways to Create Urgency In Your Copy (Value $97)
21+ Types of Offers To Use In Your Copy (Value $49)
PRINTED "Killer Copy Cookbook" shipped FREE to your address (Value $397)
Killer Copy Unleashed - 6 Months of Live Training (Value $1182)
Campaign Copy Review & Call w/ Jack Turk (Value $1997)

Still Got Questions?

Is There a Guarantee?

Absolutely - you have zero risk with my "60-Day Old Goat  Guarantee!" You have a full 60 days to try out the program and if you're not happy, for whatever reason, just let me know and I'll give you a full and total refund. No questions asked. 

Can This Work For My Business?

The principles of writing killer copy FAST apply to any industry and any  business - coaches, authors, brick-and-mortar, internet-based, selling a service or a product, it doesn't matter. 

What If I'm a TERRIBLE Writer?

I'll wager you're a LOT better than you think. You can talk, right?  You have no problem sharing your passion for your business with a friend, right?  Then you can write a whole lot better AND a whole lot faster than you probably imagine.

I'm REALLY busy - Will This Training Take a Crapload of Time? 

This training, toolkit, and system is all about helping your write FASTER as quickly and easily as possible. In fact, if you're looking for 40 plus hours of training and 1000s of pages to wade through, this is NOT for you.  Instead, it's laser-focused to get you results.  Period.

I Hate Watching Videos - Can You Deliver This In Another Format?

You betcha. The training videos are available as audios you can download and listen to AND are transcribed for you to read as well. PLUS - I'm tossing in a PRINT Version of the "Killer Copy Cookbook" - so you'll have that as well.

C'mon - is That "97.3% Faster" Statistic for Real?

Okay, okay - I'll fess up.  I KNOW this program can help you write a LOT faster. For some it's Half-Again as fast. Some it's TWICE as fast. For others, it could well be TEN TIMES faster. It really does depend on you and how seriously you take to heart what I tell you and actually use the tools and system provided.  So if anything, if you've ever futzed around for hours and hours trying to get a letter done, by putting down 97.3% I'm probably under-promising.

You Can Write Killer Copy FASTER  for only $997 - but this Special  Marketing Test Bundle Will End Soon - so you must act now

This special promotion will not last forever, so don't delay - grab this program and all the resources now and start writing copy FAST!

Copyright © Jack Turk and Associates, LLC. All Rights Reserved


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